Saturday, October 08, 2005

No century for me!

I sure am glad that I decided not to ride the Seagull Century well before this weekend! Otherwise I'd feel badly about "wimping out" because I didn't feel like riding in Tropical Storm Tammy!

I'll drive over to pick up the shirt today, which I'm sure a lot of folks will be doing.

I'll see if I can convince myself to take a short run in the rain - between bouts of painting.

Update: Good thing I didn't attempt to ride that day! It was a record-breaking downpour, dropping over 7 inches of rain!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Rain Rain Rain! It just keeps falling .. I'm glad that I wasn't signed up for the Seagal Century this year either.

I still have to go our for a long run today .. good thing that I like running in the rain, huh?

Happy Saturday to you Nancy!