Bah! Well, it's going to be raining anyway, and I really truly do loathe and detest the bike trainer.
Good thing that I wasn't counting on those shoes to carry me through the Seagull Century this weekend. I'm planning to DNS and let my husband do his own activities (sailing) instead this weekend. I'll drive over and pick up the t-shirt anyway, and if it's not raining we'll stop by the zoo there while we're in town.
I can always spend a big chunk of the weekend getting the utility room painted in preparation for the installation of the new cabinets. The fun never stops.
Question for you - have you ever joined an offical "pace team" for marathon? Are you planning to in NY?
I have not, mainly because I'm too slow for most of the pace groups they usually offer. If they have one at my target pace at NY (which I'll only know my target pace after Baltimore), I'll look for it, but they may be hard to find in 40,000 people!
Ohhh, I forgot about the utility room...how's it coming?
You night need to get a second pair of shoes to leave there...
Yeah, I'm looking at buying a new pair of cycling shoes... but I'm just holding back because they're fairly expensive, especially if you have duck feet like me!
ok if you can't buy a second pair then make a list of things to take..of course it is hard whne you h ave tqwo cuties to take care of.... after yor done the utility room you can put up cabinets in my landry room.
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