By popular demand, here are some updated photos on my progress on our utility room renovation. The installation of the new cabinets is not scheduled for another two weeks, so you'll have to contain your excitement until then for the final reveal.

I hope this proves I've been doing *something* productive while I've been slacking on my training!
OK you're not slacking but where did you put all the stuff?
Heh, I always wonder that on the makeover TV shows! The *stuff* is in the spare bedroom for now. It will be stored NEATLY in the cabinets when they are installed. At least that's the plan.
Holy least it's clean, now! Nice paint soothing...makes me want to take napzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
VERY nice job! I still haven't started re-doing our inherited little Winnie-the-Pooh room. Even though I VOWED I'd get it "ADULTERATED" by LAST weekend. Oh, well...
Lookin' good! When are you coming over to paint my house?
I told my buddy Yurtie in Australia that I'd do his place for plane fare and supplies.... he didn't take me up on it.
Nice job on the ummm "cross training". Care to come up here and slack off? I have a few rooms that need redoing...loll
Oooooo! Like the color! Very nice!!!!
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