First it was the elevator phobia. That one manifested as a tantrum waiting for the elevator inside Sears, and the only thing I could figure out is that she thought it was the same as the elevator that takes her to the pediatrician's office.
Today she had a similar unfathomable meltdown inside the local small-town post office. I had to maneuver the double jogstroller though the narrow door that was built some time well before the Americans With Disabilities Act. THEN she has a major tantrum, for no apparent rational reason.
She won this time. I wasn't going to get in a line of eight people with a screaming baby in a double jogstroller taking up half the small room. I couldn't even buy stamps because the antique machine in the lobby only took coins.
She calmed down the second we got out the door. Go figure.
Now I could totally understand it if she screamed at the sight of a bunch of posers and Lance-wannabes wearing USPS cycling jerseys, but no....
i have the same feelings when i go to our local post office!
Kind of gives a new meaning to the term "going Postal", eh!
As for the elevator thing, maybe you can find a fun mall with a glass elevator and spend some time just going up and down for fun. If it's not busy, let her push all the buttons.
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