Oooh oooh oooh! I doubt that I will be getting an Ironman tattoo, for a variety of reasons,
many of them having to do with the likelihood of
Hepatitis C transmission in tattoo parlors (yeah, I know, they can use a sterile needle and new ink, but it just takes one little break in their sterile technique to transmit it).
But I sure would like to be able to rightfully wear
this ring.
That is cool! So are you registering for IM Florida??
I can't register! I'll be on the NY City Marathon course then!!!
But ... probably I will convince my husband to sign me up. :-) But I'd still like to see how my next marathon goes before I make any definite announcements.
Hmmm, a diamond-inlaid M-dot would be cool... :-)
You read my mind, Nancy...
Aww get the tattoo, what's a little hep C anyway? The ring would be less painful though... but wait a minute, you're a triathlete, pain is your friend. *grin*
Love the BLING! I am hoping to get a M-dot pendant to go on my gold chain when I cross that finish line ... someday!
Yeah, I've wavered about a future Mdot tatoo as well. Maybe I'll just get a cool anklet to wear or something.
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