My current plan is yes, to have someone register me for Ironman Florida 2006 while I'm in the New York City Marathon. I'm not totally getting my heart set on IMFL, because of the vagaries of registration - it won't be in my direct control, it's a popular event, and it's quite possible that a lot of people who hope to do it may not get in.
If that happens, most likely I'll target another iron-distance event next fall as an alternative. There are several to choose from, but the easiest logistically for me would be Chesapeakeman.
My objectives? No, I'm not going to worry about my times for my first attempt at an iron-distance triathlon, other than making darned sure that I can beat the cutoffs. That would be getting the proverbial cart before the horse. "To finish is to win", and becoming an Ironman is a big enough project without cluttering it up with time concerns and a zillion subordinate and perhaps contradictory goals. Best to keep it simple.
My non-quantifiable ultimate goals for the next year are these:
- Train intelligently and effectively for an iron-distance triathlon while keeping my life in balance with my other responsibilities.
- Get to the starting line in the fall of 2006 in the best shape of my life.
- Enjoy the race day as a celebration of my training.

Precisely how my ultimate goals will be translated into concrete, objective, quantifiable subsidiary objectives in a sensible, logical, and progressive training plan will be detailed in a future post. Said plan will be written some time after I get my 2006 laminated wall calendar and mark it up with three or four different colors of Sharpies.
Fifty weeks of training begins November 21, 2005. And I'll need every week of it. An off-season? Not for me, not unless I want to have a off race.
But before then, I have to get the utility room remodeling done. And change a couple of diapers. And oh yeah, before I forget, finish another marathon and spend another week in a motor home.
I don't know, Nancy, but your posts are making me think about it too!
Hey good luck at NY.
Sounds like a great plan to me! And a great attitude to go with it. I especially like this line:
Enjoy the race day as a celebration of my training.
Very cool.
I have a credit card, you can pay me back, i'll sign you up...:)
Nancy, your posts about doing/not doing Ironman Florida has really got me to thinking. I've decided to try a half next year and maybe a full in 2007. And it's all your fault ;) Good luck getting in, training, and racing. I'll be following all your adventures eagerly.
Woo hooo!!! You go girl!!
Believe me, I wish I could afford to fly over and do them with you! But I think my girls will have to be a couple years older before I'm willing to sit that long in a plane with them!!
You can do it!!!! I sure hope that I can!! :-)
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