Road races: 280 kilometers or 174 miles total
5Ks: 5 @ 30:28 (PR) to 40:19
10Ks: 2 @ 1:04 (PR) to 1:14
15K: 1 @ 1:51 (my first)
10M: 3 @ 1:52 (PR) to 2:01
Half marathon: 3 @ 2:37 (PR) to 2:49, 1 DNS
25K: 1 @ 3:25 (my first)
Marathon: 2 @ 5:59 to 6:33
Cycling events:
Cycling metric century: 1 DNF, 1 DNS (my first two)
Multisport events: run 45K/28M, bike 147K/92M, swim 3888m/4252 yds total
Duathlon (5K-30K-5K): 1 @ 2:27
Triathlon, sprint: 1
Triathlon, Olympic: 1 @ 4:06 (my first)
Triathlon, half Ironman: 1 @ 8:50 (my first)
Dang! That's a lot of races!
It sure is. My racing year for 2005 looks like this:
1 Sprint Triathlon
1 Duathlon
1 Century Ride
1 Ironman
Still, not too shabby!! Can I count training as races??? I didn't have any time goals...
you're a machne, nancy. a machine, i tell you!!
I didn't realize that this was your first year at longer distance tri's-way to take it all on!
Good job with all the races.
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it interesting that your multisport race distances almost add up to Iron Distance. (3888m ~= 2.4 miles)
Frankly, I'm dissapointed you couldn't have squeezed in an extra 20 miles somewhere on the bike to help me with my point :-)
Yeah, I saw that and it scared me. To think that I have to swim as far at IMFL '06 as all my triathlons of 2005 put together!?!? Uh oh!!
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