Here's the climate data for Orlando, January 7-9:
Average High Temperature is 71 F, historical range 51 F to 84 F
Average Low Temperature is 51 F, historical range 33 F to 71 F
There is a 0% chance of a Hot Day (temperature over 90°F) (0 days out of 27 in historical record).
There is a 81% chance of a Warm Day (temperature over 60°F) (22 days out of 27 in historical record).
There is a 0% chance of a Freezing Day (temperature below 32°F) (0 days out of 27 in historical record).
Average Daily Precipitation is 0.07, historical range 0.00 to 0.43
There is a 30% chance of a Precipitation Day (8 days out of 27 in historical record).
Most consecutive days found in historic record: 2
Average Cloud Cover is mostly sunny
There is a 19% chance of a Cloudy Day (5 days out of 27 in historical record).
Average Wind is 6 mph, historical range 0 mph to 18 mph
There is a 22% chance of a Windy Day (average wind over 10 mph) (6 days out of 27 in historical record).
High Dew Point is 57 F, historical range 35 F to 72 F
Average Low Dew Point is 46 F, historical range 18 F to 66 F
There is a 59% chance of a Humid Day (dew point over 65°F) (16 days out of 27 in historical record).
There is a 7% chance of a Sweltering Day (dew point over 70°F) (2 days out of 27 in historical record).
1 comment:
Florida's winter weather is totally spastic. If a front comes through we could have a very rainy cold day despite the averages. Or, we could need sunscreen and tank tops.
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