I just ordered a Total Immersion DVD as a Christmas present to myself, as per Benny's recommendation to Cliff - good call! Go over and throw a few comments his way, he's pleading desperately for them and it's just way too pathetic.
Bah, now my daughter Catherine seems to be getting sick, just as Elisabeth is fully recovered from her cold. Poor thing. Clingy and coughing.
That is a great photo - you look so happy!
Let me know what you think of the TI DVD, I'm thinking of getting it too.
Nice pic!!! Awesome! Good luck with TI. I know it helped me soo much!
Love the plaque! What a great picture. I hope Catherine feels better soon -- It's no fun to be sick over Christmas :(
You look great - and really healthy - congratulations!
What a great plaque! That deserves a place of honor!!
I swear you get younger and younger in every picture I see of you!
I would normally say I am praying for your daughter but don't want to offend.
But I am going to anyway,right now in fact, and you can't stop me. Done.
I hope things go well with her this close to Christmas.
No offense at all, I'm grateful. She's not feeling well tonight, but I think it's probably just the same cold that Elisabeth had and she'll be better in a few more days. At least that's what I'm hoping!
Thank you!!
Might I just say sister-friend that your legs look awesome in that pic.
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