Just like her sign for gorilla is girl.
It cracks me up!
Today's workout was a big 3.5-mile loop around the neighborhood at about a 12-13 mpm pace. My knees were giving me some twinges - I think I may have some cartilage fragments floating around in my knee synovial fluid, because every so often a step is unpredictably, acutely painful.
Then we took a walk to the elementary school playground with the girls. It started raining again, and I got chilly very fast in my running clothes once I stopped running, so we came home quickly! I am in so much trouble for Goofy! I've done no long runs except the half marathon on December 3rd, more than a month before I head to Disneyworld. I keep reminding myself that I just have to finish to get the medal -- I don't have to actually run the whole 42.4 miles for time. I'll be walking a lot of the second half of the marathon, I'm quite sure!
Hi Nancy..
Check this out. They have a great program for the hearing-impaired at Imagination Stage in Bethesda, Maryland. We sent our daughter to Deaf Access: Drama & Movement. This class is designed for deaf and KODA ( kids of deaf adults ). Our daughter is 4 years old. My wife and I are hearing-impaired.
Let me know if you need more information or you can contact Imagination Stage.
We just took our daughter to see Seussical play. A sign language interpreter was provided.
Hi Nancy..
Kendall Elementary School is a good school for the hearing-impaired children. It's at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C.
Thank you for the tips, Dennis! Our daughter Elisabeth (age 2 1/2) may have some hearing loss, but we don't know how much yet. We can't get a full test (under sedation) until March, unfortunately! So we're waiting to find out. I appreciate your comments on this!
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