I got my new digital camera! It is SO SO SO TINY!! I'll have to take one last photo with the old clunker digital camera just to show you how cute and miniscule the new one is.
Got a lot of presents wrapped today. This year Santa and Mom and Dad happen to have the same kind of wrapping paper, but that's going to have to change next year. Santa's going to have to buy his own damn wrapping paper then.
Got in a nice swim today, too. Well, any swim in which I don't drown is a nice one. I got in the water and decided I wasn't going to get out for an hour. I can do anything for just an hour, right? 1800m all told, which I think is my longest since Eagleman last June. My 200m freestyle was down to a sizzling 5:47. By next March 2000m is supposed to feel like my easy regular baseline swim-it-in-my-sleep distance. Huh, that'll be the day. Although it sure would be nice to do a triathlon and not come out of the water exhausted already, just once. I wonder how that would feel.
I got tagged but I'm too lazy to organize a response so far. Hey, I told you I was a slacker. You didn't believe me?
whew! i was beginning to feel hurt. :(
but all is better now. :)
Well...I don't know the answer to your barf cleaning question...but I will tell you that you're a wonderful form of birth control! LOL...just kidding...the little ones look adorable:)
I hear the only thing to tackle barf is a few years in a land fill...but you could try going at it with vinegar baking soda and a scrub brush-rinse and turn a fan on it to keep from mildew.-do a fabric tesst first.
Whew. I think I'd rather throw out the damn couch and buy a new one! Actually, we took off the couch cushion cover and I laundered it. It's so old it's falling apart, so I had to keep it super-gentle, but I think that worked.
Washing the fabric in the machine should have done it. Of course, now you'll have to wash the others, to match...
When I ran a dayhome I had OOOOOld furniture on which I had cheap covers. They washed up great.
Some kids once told me they always leave out a scrap of wrapping paper for Santa, and it always magically covers their presents from him the next day. You might want to try leaving some out with the milk and cookies on Christmas Eve.
Resolve carpet cleaner. If it gets up kitty barf, it should handle kiddy barf.
I need to get into the pool, I have never slacked like this before. Sigh.
Resolve carpet cleaner yes. Also oxy clean spray's work well.
Mighty Mo is/was a puker.
Everyone with Kids and Dogs should own a hand held BISSELL!!! It will definately suck all the barf out!!!
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