The problem is that from what I've read so far, you have to qualify at state games in 2006. They use your age at the end of the year for eligibility at state events, but I'll still just turn 49 in 2006. So I won't be eligible for Nationals. *sob*
I would never meet the qualifying standards for the swimming events. For example, for the 200 yd freestyle it was 2:46.10. In this morning's swim, I did 200 meters freestyle in 5:49, and that was an improvement over my last two times. Sigh. Even learning to flip turn and converting to yards (5:19/200 yards) won't help my speed that much. I can't swim that fast even wearing flippers.
I also probably wouldn't qualify for the running events either, although I'm getting closer. It's possible if I lost weight and trained hard. I'd have to trim ~5 minutes off my 5K time, or ~9 minutes off my 10K time.
But I might be able to qualify in triathlon, or cycling time trials (the national winner in my AG for 40 km averaged 20.4 mph). These don't seem to attract many senior participants (particularly female). Wouldn't that be fun? Yeah, I'll do anything for a medal! And I'd rather be beaten by a tough 70-year-old than an arrogant 25-year-old.
But I'll have to wait until ... 2007 for state events, and 2009? for Nationals. *sob* Maybe I'd better look into Master's Track and Field instead.
1 comment:
I guess I had better work a lot harder because my 29:29 PR in the 5K is still way off the mark! I'm old enough, just not fast enough.
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