David was particularly helpful in hanging with me on the second half when I was dropped by the peleton after stopping a couple of times to adjust my erratic bike computer.
Finish time for 56 miles was 3:23, for a 16.5 mph average. Excellent!!!! While I probably will be a lot slower than that on race day in two weeks, especially if the winds are bad, last year it took me nearly 3:56, for a 14.2 mph average. 33 minutes faster today! Somewhere between those two numbers, preferably toward the faster side, would be fine with me for the race!! Just fast enough to be followed by a strong run. Sounds like a good plan to me!
You did this TODAY!!!???
OMG! You are REALLY going for it! Way to GO, Nance!
well done!
if it helps, i too got up early, and i walked the 18 steps down to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal, and then AGAIN the 18 steps back up to write the thougthful, insightful, and appreciative comment for you.
any particular reason why 6am on a Saturday on a long weekend?
Um ... did I mention it's an hour drive away?
Well, 45 minutes if you drive REALLY fast....
Wow, I can't believe how you got that done so well and so early.
Me,I've had a busy day, too; I've done almost as much as Bolder...
Great prep Nancy. You're going to be strong at Eagleman.
I'm working the MMTC tent for Eagleman, so I'll make sure to keep something hot for you for after your day.
Keep it up.
Great improvement on your bike time! Isn't it great when you can bike with people too?
Can't wait to see how you smoke in the half!
You are making tremendous improvements. Keep it up. You will rock at Eagleman!
Wow that is great progress! Well done!
that's awesome nancy, you are really progressing in every way! I just got out of bed, btw...
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