I'm the Story of the Day on the McDonald's Global Casting website for May 25th. (You may have to click on May 25th if you're reading this later).
The photo is courtesy of *jeanne* from the Columbia Triathlon one year ago.
Hey, if my aspiring triathlete story is picked out of all of them, we may get a free trip to London for a photo shoot! I wonder if Buttercup will be able to come along for her 15 minutes of fame?
I'm lovin' it! (tm)
Update: I just noticed in the picture they posted on the website, they edited out the FELT insignia on my bike! Funny! Too bad I couldn't give them some publicity, they make great bikes!
That is some accomplishment! You go Girls..
You're famous and I didn't have any problem viewing the story.
Nice writeup.
Woohoo! That's awesome...but are you a bic mac kinda girl or an asian salad kinda girl? :)
Actually, my all-time McD's favorite is a sausage and egg biscuit....
Tell us if we have to vote or something...I hope they don't make you eat the food! Counterproductive to your training...
How can we vote for you? that's great :-)
That is cool!!
I like Felts too - I met a bunch of the owners/employees in Vegas and got to test ride a couple of bikes. Lots of fun!
I don't know of any voting - but if I hear of any, you'll be the first to know!! :-)
That's so cool! I think that totally awesome picture helped too.
Ha, i can't beleive they erase the Felt name.
Wow- you're big time now!
very exciting and well deserved!!
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