I went to REI this morning and I was picking out a new chain tool to replace the one I broke. I was looking at 3 different models of pins (who knew? Campagnolo 12-speed, Campagnolo 9-speed, Shimano 9-speed . . . gack! no wonder people throw up their hands in despair!) and asked an employee which would be the right one for my chain. He said, "Maybe it would just be simpler to get a new chain. How many miles does the old one have?" And I explained, "Uh, it is a new chain. I broke it." He gave me a new set of easy-connect links, but as it turned out I didn't need them.
I put her on the bike trainer and ran her through all her gears, and everything worked great - even the two big rings simultaneously, which I do NOT plan on using on the road. Yay!
So, ladies and gentlemen, if I can do it, anyone can! If you're reading this and own a bike and haven't yet replaced a dropped chain all by yourself - I tag you to go take it off the chain rings now and then put it back on. Just for practice. Look at how it's threaded through there, and just push that "gear thingie" hanging down from the back wheel (rear derailleur) forward to loosen up the chain and take it off the front gear near the pedals and then put it back on. It's not too hard. So you have to wash your hands afterwards, big deal. You'll know how to do it yourself then when you drop a chain instead of standing by the side of the road crying like a big baby.
And if you have the tools and 15 spare minutes, practice changing an inner tube. Yes, now! And if you don't have the tools, take these 15 minutes and look online for a bike maintenance course in your area and sign up NOW! It's the most confidence-boosting thing you can do with your bike. I promise!
Way to go, girlfriend! But why is the chain red? I had no idea they came in colors now.
It's red because my Buttercup has red accents in her color scheme!
And she has yellow tires, too.
Blue, red, yellow, and black are the typical choices these days.
Hmm, maybe I should get red skewers too....
More bike bling!
now that's a tag!
you're on sistah!!
I just gots to get me a red chain now!!!!!
Looks awesome!!!
I want a red chain, too! I ride a pearl white bike, with lots of blue, and I'm almost always in red or pink or black or blue (and I have red tabs on my cycling shoes and red lace locks on my running shoes)!
EXCELLENT JOB! I learned to change my tube and chain last year, and I love waving the sweaty roadies along their way. "I'm fine, thanks :-))"
Spiffy and way to go. But don't tag me just yet...lol.
Too late! You've already done been tagged. It's MAY! What are you waiting for now???
Just a tip... sometimes you can get the chain back onto the chainrings just by shifting up into your biggest chainring on the front and continuing to pedal. The front derraileur will move the dropped chain over to the right and the chain may just be picked up by the teeth and correct itself.
It doesn't work all the time, but I'd say it works more often than not. And it might just save you a few extra seconds by not having to get off your bike. :)
Wow! I'm so inspired I take your tag!
You are THE WOMAN! Would you be on my pitcrew? I love the red chain, real snazzy!
You would be proud of me, I learned how to change my tires yesterday. Even the rear one. I'm still screwed if I get a flat during the race cause it took me 20 min.
Love the chain and I am proud of you for soing it all by yourself!
(chris is right...it usually works!)
soing = doing... (i suck at the internet)
Unfortunately, the only time I've dropped my chain was in a race when I had ground to a halt at the bottom of a mofo steep hill. So I was kind of glad to get off to replace it and take a break! But thanks for the tip!!!
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