I will feel both fear and confidence. I will feel both fully ready and totally unprepared. My body will be in the best shape of its life.
Six months and two days from this moment I will be in the midst of two thousand other athletes attempting to swim 2.4 miles in the Gulf of Mexico.
Six months and two days from now I will get out of the water, take off my wetsuit, spray on the sunblock, and get on my bike and ride 112 miles.
Six months and two days from now I will dismount from my bike, already having traveled 114.4 miles that day under my own power, and begin running a marathon.
Six months and two days from now I will be transformed.
Six months and two days from now, if I complete my preparation with diligence and everything aligns correctly on race day, I will become an Ironman.
I just got a chill.
Isn't it funny how 6 months can seem simultaneously like an eternity and the blink of an eye?
:) You're going to rock!
Wow, is that inspiring or what?!
Six months and two days from now, I will be so very proud of you!
I'm with mojo!
Nothing like a countdown to motivate your training!
A chill?? Jeez. I'm starting to cry!
6 months..woah.
I saw your other post..i reall ylike the turtle pic..i never seen that species before.
Good riding :)
Man, for whatever reason, I never pictured Florida being so close. I guess I never stopped to think that it's already May and that Summer is almost here that Spring is virtually gone.
I hope you have a great six months ahead of you!
just remember "things on the calendar are closer than they appear".
That is so exciting!
...six months and one day from now, we'll all be giving you virtual hugs and pats on the back. And, six months from now, I'll be sitting in front of my computer with an entry all filled out, ready to hit the "Send" button. You've inspired me to give IMFla 2007 a try!
I get nervous for you just thinking about it. You really are amazing!!!! Keep it up!!!!!
YeeeHaw!!!!! Go Nancy Go!
Yeah, no Ironman gear for me until AFTER the finish line! Very, very bad juju!!
And Misty - if I can do it, anyone can!! But the jury is still out on whether I can do it, until race day arrives. I'll do my best to get ready, though!
Sorry for shouting.
6 months from now I look forward to reading an awesome report of my new Iron Man friend.
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