43 laps for 2150 yards in 56:52.
Nobody will accuse me of being super-speedy, but that's a very solid swim for me!
Hey, at Eagleman half Ironman last year I swam the course in 81:22. Today's swim was 24:30 faster, or over 30% faster.
It does help when you can't swim way off course because of the lane lines, though....
Now I get to go for a bike ride in a few minutes. I love warmer weather!
Great swim.
I am so glad to hear you say that you "get" to go ride your bike. I hate it when people say they "have" to go ride their bike. It's a priviledge, people!!!
solid swim nancy... rthinking about the kent county spring fling ride....
24 minutes faster?! That's incredible! I love swims like that!
Wow, 24 minutes. Awesome!!!!
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