On the bus on the way over I thought of the 4.4-mile swim that they hold between the spans every year, which still scares the bejesus out of me looking down into that water:

The Governor's Bay Bridge Run is quite a large and popular 10km event. The views from the bridge are fabulous! It's a fairly difficult course - 2 miles UP, 2 miles DOWN, then up over and down a highway overpass before finishing in a waterfront park. It was also unseasonably cold today and I was freezing at the start (50*F and windy), where runners have to wait for about an hour before the gun.
I kept my camera in my waistpack for most of the race, but I stopped briefly to get a shot of this swan on her nest that I always see next to the bridge. Not long after that *jeanne* zoomed past me, clicking photos on her way, and easily striding away! I never found her after the race, though. Maybe she'll have more actual race pictures to show off.
I tried to maintain a fairly steady pace, but was slowed by some steep camber on the highway overpass around mile 5 that was painful to my feet. The 3-mile split (with two miles of it uphill) was 31:46, but the finish time on my watch was 1:08:42. Finishers got quite nice medals this year:
We were also treated to a lovely view of the bridge from the bayside park after the finish.
Some triathletes were supposed to gather for an open water swim here after the race, and I had brought all my things for it, but I was just too darned cold! I was chilled after the race and even when I had returned home it had only warmed to 59*F. It was an ideal day for running, but I wasn't brave enough to risk getting that cold with no place to get warm and an hour drive home.
congrats nancy! that bridge makes me shudder just driving it! nice work!
Looks like such a great place to race!
Sounds like you had a great race! I loved your picture of the swan on the nest. It looks like a beautiful place to run. You got a very nice medal too, way to go!
Wonderful run, report, pics, and medal! Nice job!
My in laws are moving back east this summer-yea- so of course I will have to come visit and work in some races-inspired of course by the Tour de Nancinator. Hey you could start your own race series. Nice run.
Swim THERE????
I agree with you: Too cold to swim there (if you weren't doing a Polar Bear Plunge!!!)
Nice seeing you on the Bridge course - & you look GREAT, Nancy!
Congratulations! :-)
I went ahead & added 8 miles to make my total mileage 14 yesterday (the Calgary Marathon coming upon me FAST - YIKES!) so I haven't done race report or looked at my pics (I think I screwed up, though. I forgot to put my camera on it's "sports" setting. I may have 100s of out-of-focus blurry Bridge runner photos ~sigh~)
Hey! Nice swan pic! Was that during the 10K?
Nice photos! There's no way I would have gone swimming in those temps. I'm a big cold weather wimp.
God I love Felt bicycles....I could sit and stare at them all day.
Nice weekend. I had a 43 miler yesterday and a 18 miler on Sat.
(And I got some very cool Felt gear that'll I post this week.)
That bike looks preeettyy :)
The water looks freakking cold. I don't see how on earth would anyone wanna swim in that.
I want to do that race next year, and I think I'm going to be home for a wedding, so its possible!
Well done Nancy! 2 miles uphill to start doesn't sound like much fun to me but maybe if I had company ... Great way to train through a race!
What a cool medal! Congrats on your finish! :)
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