Monday, August 01, 2005

PR City!

For some reason my last duathlon post didn't show up properly and I had to re-post it. Hmmm. Is this blogger thing buggered up?

Anyway, on to my topic for this post: PRs! I just looked back at some of my records and realized that I set four personal records in one weekend! Woo hoo!

Bike split in a race: 16.2 mph
100 m run (unofficial): 23.0
200 m run (unofficial): 50.7
400 m run (unofficial): 2:05

I'm not trying to brag, because I know most recreational runners and cyclists can go faster than that - I just want to get them here on the record here for future improvements (hopefully)! It is just motivating to me to know that my performances are improving even if the scale has not moved in the direction that I want for a while.

Yay! Of course, it probably would help those sprint times if I ran them more than about once per year. My quads were KILLING me after those 100s!!!


Tracy said...

Awesome! Go you!!! PRs are the best feeling aren't they? Well, maybe breaking them is...but now you can do that, too! Way to go!

poet-scholar-professor-type said...

i personally don't think there's a thing wrong w/ bragging even if you were...and you're not...hope you're well, nancy.

:) said...

I hate sprinting! I think the sorest I have ever been was after doing 15(!) 100m wind sprints with about 45 seconds rest between. After it was over, and I caught my breath, I thought it wasn't that bad. The next day, I literally could not walk!!!