It took until today to learn how badly I suck at pedaling.
Lots of coaches recommend one-legged pedaling drills to improve efficiency. A few different people have recommended them to me - like Yurtie, and the trainer who did Kona that I rode with for a few miles out on the road who noticed how I was pedaling all stupid and pointy-toed. She unclipped one foot and demonstrated how smooth and easy it should be, then switched feet and demonstrated with the other foot. Never missing a beat, while going easily at about 16 mph.
I tried it on the road by myself when there were no cars around and nobody was watching. I was riding along and unclipped one foot and held it out to the side. Then I proceeded to lose all control and nearly fall down in the middle of the road.
I abandoned that idea until my next trainer ride, which I have cleverly been able to successfully postpone until today.
I started with five minutes warmup. Then I unclipped one foot and pedaled with the other by itself. Fortunately the bike trainer prevented me from falling over. But I was definitely "pedaling squares". It felt clumsy and awkward and as if I had never pedaled a bike in my life. Worst of all, it was *really* tiring. I lasted about one minute.
Then I tried it on the other leg. Not surprisingly, with similar results. Also very tiring.
I repeated the sequence once. That was enough.
A few weeks ago I saw one guy with a bum leg pedaling around easily on a bike with a pedal on one side and a little platform on the other side for his bad foot. I noted it, thought it was interesting, but I was not nearly as impressed by it as I am today, in retrospect.
I sure am glad I have two relatively good legs, so I can hide most of my inability to pedal in a circle. I won't make the mistake of doing that one-legged stuff again.
At least not where anybody can see it.
One legged drills will make you a better cyclist, that's why I avoid them. Seriously, I've heard they are reason enough to include on trainer ride per week in a workout plan. Note how many trainers rides I do.
Ooof...I have done those a few times and they are HARD!!!
They must work if they hurt like that...
hmm, I'm going to try this over the weekend. (in a flat area, with no one around.)
We do these drills in Spin class and I know how tough they are... I haven't thought about doing them outside though until now... My knee has heeled up from this summers graceful flip, so ...
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