* Ironman DVDs - http://www.ironmandvd.com/ironmandvds.html
Do you recommend any particularly inspiring years??
* Spinervals DVDs - http://www.spinervals.com/
Any that you found especially helpful and motivating?

Running On The Sun (2000)
Chariots of Fire (1981)
I may also order the Overcoming DVD about the CSC professional cycling team, of which I'm a fan.
Others? Thanks in advance for your recommendations! I'll compile a list when I get a few together!
Recommendations received (I'll keep a list here):
Overcoming - link to order inside USA
Ironman 1995: Karen Smyers victory, PNF collapse, Mark Allen comeback
Ironman 1997: Bob Jordan tearjerker
Ironman 1999: The Hoyt's journey
Breaking Away
American Flyer
Remember the Titans
Mellen: I'm so glad you stopped by! I just got back from packet pickup. I'm doing the race tomorrow and I'll post about it later today. It's a tough race but I've never heard of anyone being dragged off the course. It's really very supportive, even of the stragglers. I've been there!! :-)
good luck with your 10-miler -- hope the weather cooperates?
Breaking Away? American Flyers? I think those two would keep me motivated on a trainer!
Mellen, did you make it? I saw several finishes way ahead of me by people named Mary Ellen, I was hoping one of them was you!!
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