So I dragged my carcass out of bed at 5AM, filled it with coffee, and headed out for my planned 14 miles on the road. On foot. At 6AM, before sunup, it was already 84 degrees and impossibly high humidity.
But whenever I get out there and do the job I'm always rewarded with interesting sights that I would otherwise never notice. Today it was several "fairy rings" of huge mushrooms that had sprouted up in big circles, as pictured.
I was meticulous with my water and sodium, because today I really needed both. My course has several loops, all about 2.4 miles in length, so I would stop (stealing icewater that is set out for the golfers every morning) and refill my 20 ounce water bottle and take one Succeed cap (344 mg sodium, 21 mg potassium) on each loop, roughly every half hour. That worked out quite well, and I only had to kick in one more capsule when I started getting a teensy bit of hand swelling, as monitored by the "tight wedding ring" test.
Glad that's done for the week! My ankles are a little tired, as expected, but otherwise I'm feeling pretty fine! Total distance (via Gmaps pedometer) was 14.7 miles. Even though it was getting brutally hot by the time I finished, I felt like I could have continued for another 11.5 miles to the marathon finish line, if I HAD to, which is exactly how I want to finish these runs feeling!
Wow! That's a great effort on a weather day that doesn't inspire much except sitting around. Way to go!
Yikes -- it was only 79 degrees for me at 6:30, and I had cloud cover for the last six miles. Way to get 'er done!
Great running! That takes guts to keep going in that kind of weather, particularly when you're always just one short loop from packing it in.
Good for you Nancy!!! That is inspiring...and over 14 miles?? Wow!!
Way to go, you are awesome. It is so hard not to cut those dastardly hot runs short, especially when you are running loops. Way to stay strong!
nice job on finishing what you set out to do.
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