Skatemom's comment about frogs got me thinking. Frogs are just fine with me. Bats, lizards, sharks, slimy things in the water, bugs, spiders, rats, heights, public speaking - no big problem for me, really. Getting hit by lightning? Been there, done that. Being in a plane crash? Done that too (deadstick landing after the engine quit at 7000 feet).
I've recently been reminded, however, of a few things that I really don't like.... I mean, that I actually fear. Of course, some people would think these are no big deal, and my fears are silly, but there they are, nevertheless. I don't have any dire phobias that send me into a screaming panic, at least not that I can think of. But there are things I'd truly rather avoid, if possible.
- Starting the swim leg of any triathlon. Hard to complete a triathlon without it, so I have to just do it anyway.
- Getting to the painful part of a marathon. Hitting the wall. Bonking. I certainly try to avoid that one!
- I used to fear getting a flat tire on my bike in a race, but now that I've changed a few, I think I'd mostly be simply annoyed and a little on the slow and clumsy side.
- Making "cold calls" to strangers. I dislike it and avoid it. I don't talk much on the telephone to begin with. I used to have to do this a lot for my work, and I procrastinated like crazy on calling people I didn't know.
- Asking directions from strangers. I'm a total guy in that regard. I'd rather buy a map and figure it out on my own.
- Taxis. I don't take them unless there's really no alternative. I really don't like being in a car with a strange man at the wheel who can take me anywhere he wants to go. Or go the long way and charge me some ridiculous extortionate amount. *jeanne* recently recommended taking a cab after the finish of the New York City Marathon, and I told her that I'd rather walk or take the subway, even after completing a whole marathon.
- Well, clowns, of course, but everyone knows they're evil. ;-)
What things do YOU fear? Hmm, I guess "strangers" and not being "in control" is the common thread in several of those. I won't tag anyone in particular, that's just too mean, but ... What are YOUR secret phobias?
Flying, heights and falling, all of which come together in the alcohol-fueled bet that started my tri career. The bet was I'd skydive if she'd do a triathlon. She did. I haven't. I've never heard the end of it.
That sounds totally rational to me!! :-)
Tri swim starts,
clowns and carnies in general (they have small hands!)
disappointing my wife
Everyone's entitled to an irrational fear or two, right?
My two are hypodermic needles and swimming in open water without my wetsuit. I can overcome them when necessary, but I really, really try to avoid it being necessary.
All my other fears are completely rational ones. :-)
I'm okay with needles, after giving a few hundred injections to myself and various other mammals... open water swimming is not my favorite thing (with or without a wetsuit), but mainly because I'm a crappy swimmer!! So I think that's rational! :-)
I've got claustrophobia in my legs. (that's what I call it)
Meaning, I need to be able to move them.
It happened on a boy scout camping trip. We used to camp rain, shine, sleet, or snow. (literally)
This one weekend it was expected to be particularly cold, I remember 20 degrees below zero being mentioned. (who knows how true that is)
My mother made me bring two, yes two sleeping bags. Well, in the middle of the night, the tent we were in, the two man tent 5 of us were sleeping in collapsed. To start I was boiling up, I was in two
sleeping bags and couldn't get out, and the tent had collapsed.
I finally got out, not caring that I was walking in snow just about barefoot, and fixed the tent.
Every since then, I've got what I call claustrophobia in my legs. I can't stand not being able to move my legs.
Hmm, sounds kind of like Restless Leg Syndrome! http://www.rls.org/what_is_rls/
I can't walk on a catwalk or anything that moves underneath me. The mega mall here has whole concourses that float, aaagghhh! I won't step on street grates, my kids jump on them just to vex me. Flying unnerves me, but only because I can feel the empty space underneath my feet.
1.) Really high heights - like the top of the Golden Gate Bridge high. I get dizzy just looking at photos from the top.
2.) Being last. I spend most of every race worrying about being last. So far I've only tied for last - and then only once. Kind of irrational I'd say...
3.) People who get on the interstate going in the wrong direction. My friend had this happen once and almost died (we're talking 5 seconds of time different and she'd be a memory) when a crazy woman was going 70mph the WRONG way in the left lane on the interstate. I'm always on the watch for it. Makes me sweat to just think about it...
This guy I work with is deathly afraid of eggs. Trust me I have tried him out on this.
The good thing about last place is that only one person per race can have that honor. So even if you're really slow, like me, it still doesn't happen all that often!
Speaking of heights, I'm usually okay with them, but the glass floor at the CN Tower in Toronto (113 stories up) definitely freaked me out. :-)
Oh man, this is hilarious. Well, I have more fears and neuroses than I care to admit. Some of it's my OCD, some of it's just plain nuttiness. But my biggest fear is clowns. I have a paralyzing fear of clowns. ARGH. Be well, keep running, biking, and swimming. (Just for the record, the fear of clowns is called "coulrophobia").
Phobias are IRRATIONAL fears. There are things that it's NORMAL to fear, too.
I'm afraid of swimming in lakes, the ocean, etc. I'm a LOUSY swimmer. I don't think this is a PHOBIA. I KNOW I'm a lousy swimmer, and oceans and many lakes are LARGE bodies of water. The fact that strange living creatures (SNAKES!!!!) may be in the water make it WORSE.
I'm so afraid of snakes that I feel faint even when I am in the reptile section of a PET STORE. Yup...THAT'S irrational.
I'm afraid of heights, but I LOVE going up things like The Space Needle, The Empire State Building, Notre Dame, The Eiffel Tower, etc. I also went up in a hot air balloon (always wanted to, finally did it...I was fairly petrified, but it was worth every single second of it! :-) However, I never plan to sky dive. I didn't like the free fall ride at Great Adventure...AWFUL sensation for even the split seconds it lasted, so I have utterly NO NEED to have that intensified by jumping out of a plane! I don't consider this a phobia.
I was always afraid of Santas at malls and stores ... these were NOT Santa Claus...these were male STRANGERS, DRESSED UP in fake beards and odd red suits. WHY shouldn't I have been afraid of them? Who were they REALLY?
Afraid I'll set my hair on fire by leaning over a lit candle...I don't much like candles. And most house fires seem to be caused by candles left unattended...NOT WORTH IT. I'll take a light with a dimmer!
Afraid of psychos...Ted Bundy types.
I'm afraid of MOTHMAN. Wish I had never watched the movie THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES.
Afraid of tornadoes...electical storms...dogs that bite...TICKS (I've had a bout with Lyme Disease and DO NOT want a repeat)
But I guess I'm a real chicken-$h*t. I'm afraid of mostly everything!
But! My High School boyfriend was afraid of RUBBER BANDS. I am NOT afraid of RUBBER BANDS :-)
Have you clown-o-phobes ever visited this site?
It's a chuckle! :-)
Anti-anxiety drugs may also help you make strides towards overcoming your phobias. These medications are prescription strength and are available for both long-term and short-term use. One example of a drug xanax , it has help people with phobias is benzodiazepine. Often, medication works best in conjunction with other types of therapy treatments. http://www.xanax-effects.com/
LOL! Yeah, I'll get right on taking some drugs to help me get over that clown thing. NOT.
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