The woman from whom the LOSER CHEAT was so eager to steal the first place AG award, Dr. Harriet Kang, is back-of-the-pack runner and physician who does a lot of volunteer work at marathons (Boston this year, I believe) and with Achilles runners, and is extraordinarily supportive of everyone she runs with. That first place finish couldn't have gone to a nicer first-time triathlete. :-)
Contrast that ugly mental image of the LOSER CHEAT with a far different picture of courage and indomitable spirit (from a message in the new Big Bike Forum, check it out!):
"If you ever wanted to make an excuse for not going that extra mile, forget it. After watching this video you'll never have another excuse again. If you don't know them, it is about Team Hoyt. I actually saw another video of this and it brought me to tears."
Here's the video: http://www.jeffiscool.com/films12/TeamHoyt.wmv
Here's their web page: http://www.teamhoyt.com
Wow!!! Team Hoyt is powerful. I just recently began doing triathlons and I've been sitting on the fence about committing to an Ironman. That video has convinced me I can do it. I'm looking at 2007 or 2008 but it's definetly on my horizons now..
If I remember right TeamHoyt was THE heartstring of the 2003 broadcast of Ironman World Championship Kona. I think the finish line footage is Kona 2003, maybe 2002.
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