Are any of my readers also Netflix addicts? If so, there's a "Friends" feature where you can see the ratings your friends put on movies and see what they've watched lately. Let me know your email address and I'll add you as my special "Friend"! (Although by way of full disclosure I should warn you that I lean toward costume dramas, documentaries, and BBC series).
Oops, those are the tree types of movies I try to stay away from...just joking.
I haven't seen "Chariots" in forever.
I am a Blockbuster Online type of guy, myself...
How did you like "The Madness of King George"?
I also LOVED "Chariots od Fire" and bought a copy on video just before my first marathon - but I STILL haven't opened it! Too much to do, and too little Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and THYME!
I had Netflix, but cancelled because they started slowing down my movies. Basically, if you rent from them too much, they start delaying the movies that they send back to you. I didn't like that much. :(
So, I'm a Blockbuster Online guy for now too. Currently on their free trial. Cheaper, and they give you two free in store movie coupons a month!
I love the original Office series from BBC. Top 2 all time for me.
sweet lil site;)
One of top 3 soundtracks of all time, and a great movie.
I am a hollywood video mvp. Something about touching what I am getting. Know lots of people on netflix, but Chris' comment kind of scares me, I am a movie addict.
Just for the record, I wanted to note that I've never had the problems with Netflix that Chris described! But maybe they like me because I'm a 5-out-at-once subscriber. :-)
i've never had those problems w/ netflix either, and i rent a ton of movies...i am ashamed to say, i have never seen chariots of fire. it came out when i was in high school, and because it was such a big deal and i heard that music over and over and over and over...i just blocked it out. i think i might be able to deal with it now...thanks for the reminder of what looks like a great great film...as an adult! and thanks for the b-day wishes. it doesn't hurt to turn 40 when you're a lot stronger than you were at 30, so i'm coping! run run run, nancy toby!
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