I ran a local DC Roadrunners Club 5K race tonight. In 99*F temperatures, it was a slow one! Plus it went up and over that bigass hill TWICE on the W&OD Trail near mile marker 5 that always kills me even on the bike. So it was my slowest 5K in a long time: 34:52 at the finish line for an average pace of 11:14 minutes per mile. Heat will do that to a person! But I finished without heat stroke or collapse -- until *after* the finish line, at least.

I had Double Stuf Neapolitan Flavor Oreos for post-race food and Oh. My. God. They nearly made me hurl. Thanks, race committee, for the reminder of why Americans (like me) have an obesity problem!
They better have some damn good oreos of you have to race in 99F heat.
Gotta love that post-race food that puts more calories back into your body than you just burned during the race. I do that all the time. :(
But they had WATERMELON and orange slices, too! The idea of strawberry flavoring (or whatever that pink stuff was!) in an Oreo cookie seemed pretty yucky to me...but I bet children love that stuff ("Gag me with a spoon!", we used to say in college)
It WAS a miserable HOT run...
There is no excuse for hurling Oreos. Maybe shouldn't have eaten them, but once consumed, they should remain. Purging the crunchy goodness is an offense of the highest degree.
Wow... i didn't even know they had races on that trail! And oreos to boot! I missed out while I was up there!
You all crack me up!
What were they thinking...don't they realize most of us are doing this to get into shape, not out of it!
Nice race...too hot for fast running for sure.
Humidity -- gak.
double-stuffed oreos -- double gak.
you go for getting out there. You're a better woman than I am.
When you say hurled, was it because the oreos made you sick? A while back I made an entree and smothered it in margarine, after a long period on a lo-fat diet. My system wasn't used to all that oil, and I and the rest of my family hurled it. The only one who didn't get sick was one who didn't have their entree slathered in margarine.
Well, to get a little more graphic, they tasted fine when I ate them, but I think my stomach had just shut down after all that running and they just sat in my stomach and I felt kind of sick. I don't eat a low-fat diet or anything, it was just the wrong time for that Double Stuf.
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