"Thanks for taking the time to email us about the pool here . . . we are always looking for ways to better serve or members.I apologize for the cloudy pool water the past week or so,we put up signs today informing everyone that the pool will be closed next Wednesday for filter repairs.I was with the engineer when he opened up our filters and we found a large amount of lotion,etc. had gotten in the sand and is preventing it from filtering 100%.The chemical levels in pool are perfectly safe,and we are still filtering at a safe rate,currently the pool water is "turned over"or completely filtered every 12 hours,where as usually it's every 9-10 hrs. Our Aquatics staff,led by our Aquatics Director . . . is working to keep the pool operating cleanly and safely,please feel to contact her or myself personally with any questions or other feedback."
Hmm. I don't think I'm buying this. What do you think? The pool was cloudy way back on January 16th. I sent that photo back to the manager just to show him the conditions existed for three weeks, just in case he was misinformed by staff.
I would guess he is right. A pool can still be balanced chemically and cloudy. Fricken people wearing patchouli oil, suntan lotion, body lotion or whatever. Screws clarity up.
So much for the, "Please shower before entering pool."
Thank goodness. I thought it was going to say they found some dead critter in the filter! I'll take the lotion instead.
Ditto Jon...I thought he was going to say a "dead rat in the sand..."
i maintain my own pool which always sparkles. there is no reason for a cloudy pool unless 1 lack of chorline 2 urine in the pool 3. other chemicals out of balance ie acid or calcium 4. algee... but my bet is the chorline is low plus urine = cloudy pool and I only run my filter for 6 hours a day.
I'm glad you complained, keep complaining until they fix the problem. Cloudy water is not acceptable. Ask him if he wants his club to get a bad rep, or ask him for some of your user fees back since you haven't been able to use the pool due to it's disgusting appearance.
You need to come and swim at my Y. 82-83 degrees and no *floaties*. Crystal clear.
We did have a cloudy surface once in the kiddie pool (it appeared before our eyes), but the staff turned on the fountain right away for a few minutes and it cleared immediately. Apparently the chemicals separate occasionally.
Oh. And the pool staff is REALLY picky about making people go back and shower before they get in the pool. They have signs everywhere explaining that lotions, hairspray and deodorants and such are what makes the pool dirty.
I once heard a lifeguard say "You're right. You don't HAVE to shower. And *I* don't have to let you into the pool either"
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