Wouldn't that be a fairy-tale ending if she did well there!?
Best wishes also to Michelle in her future career. What a true champion!
Oh, and another good luck to our local Maryland figure skater, Kimmie Meissner.
Another fairy-tale story out of the Olympics: I heard in the TV coverage yesterday that the coach Yao Bin of one of the top-ranked Chinese pairs figure-skating teams (Shen and Zhao) was DFL at the Sarajevo Olympics. "Yao says he remembers the audience laughing at their performance" at the 1980 world championships. It looks like he stayed in the business and went on to a great career, and got the last laugh!
On Yao Bin:
He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches. - George Bernard Shaw
Those who have tried, whether they've failed or not, know much more than those who haven't, in my view.
I've really loved watching Michelle skate over the years, no matter the point results. Saw the NBC interview with Emily today - love her enthusiasm!
Thanks for sharing Nancy.
BOth stories are very humble and admirable. Things I love about sports.
We have a local athlete in the Olympics too, Billie Shoofenhouer (sp ?). He's our neighbor actually. He's a bobsledder. He won a silver in Salt Lake 2002. He seems like a great guy. He shows up to the local triathlons as a guest speaker and stuff.
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