As much as she enjoys wearing Mr. Potatohead's glasses, I'm not sure that Catherine will enjoy wearing her own real glasses! But that's going to be our next hurdle. We just got the prescription today: +4.5 and +5.0 diopters (farsighted). So we need to go get her glasses, or she's going to have trouble with her puzzles and learning to color, I guess. That's somewhat more correction than I need with my contacts for nearsightedness, but her youthful eyes can still accommodate a lot better than my old eyes can.
The poor thing is really only 2 1/2 years old (since her due date), too! But if that's her only lasting consequence of being born 12 weeks too early, that's not too bad.
A lot, lot worse things can happen. I'm just hoping her sister Elisabeth won't need hearing aids because of a medical error. We will find out next month.
They have such cool looking frames now, maybe she will think its neat to wear them.
I got glasses when I was 2 also. I still have them...well, not the same pair! :P My parents only knew I needed glasses because I had a lazy eye. I can still make one eye go in while the other stays straight. It freaks people out. Why am I telling you all this? oh well.
I am not one of your blog ultra-regulars, but your blog has inspired me on many counts. I think of you, your family, and little Anna more than you'd know.All the best to you and your little girls. HEIDI
I'm guessing she will love the glasses and will put them on first thing in the morning and take them off last thing at night.
If it makes you feel better I was farsighted in Kindergarten and wore glasses until 2nd grade. Then my eyes changed for the better and I didn't need glasses anymore. When I was 12 my eyes changed again and I became nearsighted and wore glasses for 20 years. Then my eyes changed again and now I don't need glasses once again. But I have the feeling that things could change and I'll need reading glasses as an old lady, haha!
Thanks for the reassurance, folks! Naturally I worry, even though I wore glasses since 4th grade myself!
Nancy, there are always two or three children at preschool who wear glasses and they all do fine with them. I have to agree with Mipper - they are happy to see clearly and are willing to wear them because of it. Let us know how she does!
In an earlier posts you mentioned one of the girls signing - my oldest son (19) is entering a program to become a certified ASL translator. He plans to translate for a few years, then get his teaching degree and teach ASL. He also hopes to open an ASL summer camp some day. Cool, huh?
At least your Catherine has HAIR. My daughter was a little blonde 7 month old when she got her specs, and looked like quite the egg head. An adorable egg head, but one all the same. :D
Do you know what it's like to watch a child learn to sit up with glasses on? Painful, just painful...
I keep coming back to your blog today because the picture is just so cute! I hope you hang on to that one to show prospective dates!
Wow, a tri-athlete. My goal for 40 is to run the Ironman in Hawaii. And a marathon by 35. I got two more years to get my ass in gear. Unfortunately though, I hate running...how do you get past the first 1/4 mile.
Welcome Sara! That might be a whole post by itself. There's always racewalking - some of those folks are much faster than my running! But I'd say running is an acquired taste. It gets better the more you do it. After the first mile it gets better, when you're warmed up and everything starts working. The first mile always sucks.
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