The girls came out to play in the novelty of heavy snow. Elisabeth thought the whole event was hysterically funny.

Catherine was a little suspicious of that deep white stuff, but then decided to pitch in and help with the shoveling effort. With the squeegee. Then she decided to go wading in the deep puddles of icewater, whereupon Mean Mom decreed that it was time to go back inside, which generated much wailing and consternation.
Kinda wet for snowangels, eh. Glad you got the girls out in the white stuff for some fun! It's good that they protest going in - leave'em wanting more.
It's so much fun to take little ones out in the snow! Heard we might be getting snow next weekend!?!
MEAN MOMMY ... hehehe ... The girls look like they were having fun!
I love watching kids play in the snow.
Adorable kids in snow pics!!!
In all the ones my mom took of me I was CRYING CRYING CRYING.
(Snow-wimp *jeanne*)
Yesterday I shoveled us out, while Jamie was stranded in Texas. He ALWAYS misses the big snows here. (BUT I think maybe I'm saving him from heart attack by getting default snow-clearing duty)
I wish I could show Mighty Mo snow this year but its not really falling around here or at the two ski areas in the state. Oh well, lucky girls, lucky you. It sounds and looks like you didn't get the worst of it like NY and NE
I get the "mean mean mom" cry at least once a week! Glad that you finally got a taste of winter! I am sure the snow is gone by now... At least the girls could have a little fun!
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