What a great way to start the year! I took Buttercup out for a ride to Knapp's Narrows and back for my usual 26.4-mile jaunt. It was about 45 degrees and windy - I had another hard ride against the wind on the way back, but today's average was 15.2 mph, slightly
better than I did a few days ago. At one point with the wind at my back I got up to 23.0 mph, which is quite a brisk pace for me on the flats! It felt pretty comfortable the whole way but I would have been icy if it had been much colder. Yay, my back held out most of the way, only one or two jabs of the ice pick in my longissimus when I stayed down in the aerobars without stretching too long!
Wheee, Buttercup and I have sure come a long way since
my early rides on her when I first bought her last year. Maybe 2006 is
The Year of the Cyclist? If I make as much progress in 2006 as I made cycling in 2005, and I log
the mileage that I have planned, I'll be on my way!
What the heck, why shilly-shally around -- let's make it happen, girl!!! You and me on the road, Buttercup, in 2006 -
the Year of the Cyclist.
Yeah Nancy. Ride like the wind. :-)
Nice ride! Of course you will continue to go faster and faster, tailwinds or not! (And I like the fact that you named your bike!)
Go buttercup! That's a nice ride! I'm jealous! I spent most of today trying to get rid of yesterdays excess alcohol. :) Twenty six miles in the cold is nothing to sneeze at, especially against the wind. ugh.
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