Even BETTER than that - they have free regular child care during workouts, but best of all, they have PARENT'S NIGHT OUT. Four golden hours, 6PM-10PM, once per month. FREE with a family membership. WOO HOO!!!!! My kind of place!! Actually, we'll probably wait until after cold/flu season is over, but after that I'm hoping that my girls will be regular attendees. That and Mom's Afternoon Out and Mom's Morning Out, too! Yeah, baby!!!
For a while this afternoon I watched the kid's swim meet. It was fun - the little girls swimming along, struggling and doing their very best with their heads out of the water Tarzan-style, and occasionally stopping to hang on the lane dividers to catch a breath. I can definitely relate!
Child care! That's awesome! I see some major progress in swimming coming your way.
Nancy, I love, love, love, love your blog. I love your attention to detail and faithful posting. Love it! Thank you!
I have 1 question--do you have a good online source for running gear, preferably "discount" running gear? Thanks in advance! I couldn't find an address to email you directly, hope you don't mind me asking this in the comments.
Hey, Sooz!
Thanks! I buy truckloads of stuff online from www.roadrunnersports.com - their RRS-brand stuff is a good value - I especially like their RRS jogbras and running tights.
Tarzan-style, and occasionally stopping to hang on the lane dividers to catch a breath...for a while I thought you are describing my swim style :D
looks like a great pool! swim lots!
Woo, thanks for the tip, Jack! I checked it out briefly at www.haloscan.com, may set it up later today when I have a little more time. :-)
Hey, by the way, you can get free commenting with Haloscan. No comment spam, ever, and it's very simple to do. You basicaly turn off blogger comments, cut and paste a little bit of code into your template,a nd you're there. Also let's you edit or delete comments, see where your commenters are from by ISP and if need be, ban commenters. The website talks you through it. And no, I'm not getting paid to tell you this. I have it and think it's a ton better than blogger comments.
Great for you!! Now get your butt in that pool and swim, swim..swim..:-))
FREE child care??? No fair!! I'd LOVE free child care. I joined our local Y because they have the best child care of the local pools/gyms, but you sure do pay for it! :(
Nancy, thanks much for the shopping tip. I am on it. One thing about me is I can set shopping goals and acheive them! Have a great weekend.
Love the pool. Looks so inviting.
I would kill for free child care while I worked out - lucky girl!
Nancy, you are going to LOVE your new pool! And the parent's night out, and the babysitting, and, and, and...Congrats on joining.
These pools sound wonderful!
87 and 82? That's pretty warm water...H20 aerobic temps for sure. If ours gets above 80 I am complaining! Give me 76 degrees!
(Much nicer pool BTW...that 3 laner looked claustrophobic!)
wow they take kids on a friday night and then let the parents leave the club. wow, that is really scary to me.
Yeah, I don't know if they make the parents carry a beeper or a cell phone or anything, but I wouldn't want to be responsible for all those kids! This is in a pretty small town, too, remember (12,000 people) and you can probably get anywhere in town in 10 minutes.
I sure hope they put on lots of extra staff those nights! They have a couple of pretty big rooms for the kids. I'll have to wait and see how well the staff and my girls do on short visits.
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