Monday, January 23, 2006

In today's fat news

Three items that caught my eye in my web-browsing today:

Xenical (that fat-absorption-blocking drug) may soon be available over the counter. Jeez, I wish I had stock in GlaxoSmithKline. Users have reported an average of 5.2 to 6.2 pounds weight loss over 6 months. I'm not sure that I would be crazy about "excess gas and uncontrollable bowel movements" along with that, however.

Did you know that in the US, if something is labeled ZERO percent trans fats, it can have up to 0.5 grams per serving? That's just plain old misleading, especially for those of us for whom a serving means the whole entire container.

And tofuburgers don't benefit your health, either. Good thing, because they taste like crap.


Cliff said...

The scary thing about the drug is the side effect. Especially a new drug when the long term side effect is not well documented.

Tofoburgers doesn't benefit your health? You gotta be kidding me. I always follow the rule: if it tastes like crap, it must be good for you. :)

Anonymous said...

ummm... uncontrolable poopage... no thanks!

Chris said...

6 pounds in 6 months. So that's about a pound a month or .25 lbs every week. A pound of fat is roughly 3600 calories so .25 of that is 900. So really, you can have excess gas and uncontrollable bowel movements or just work on that 130 calories a day elsewhere.

Hmmm... uncontrollable gas/bowel movements, or walking 15 minutes a day. I think I'll take the latter! :)

Flo said...

Um, yeah, I agree with everyone, 6 lbs in 6 months, not worth it at all.

As for food labeling, I work in a food lab and do those labels. Did you know manufacturers are allowed a 20% error rate. So if it says 100 cals it could be anywhere from 80 to 120. 1000 cal could be 800 to 1200. This could make a significant difference.

All the other fats have that 0.5gram limit to. So it may say 0 fat but really have just under 0.5. So two or three servings could really add up.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss :)

Hollyfish said...

Tofu burgers...eeewww. blech. I remember when Olestra first came out one of the side effects was "anal leakage." thanks... stick to the water and carrot sticks...

Tammy said...

Yup, tofu burgers are just as processed as the rest of that fast food crap. Blek!

I always wondered about that "no trans fat" thang... I mean, an unsaturated fat can become transfat thru oxidation, so how can they say there is none. Unless it's all saturated fat, then there's no transfat :) Just stay as close to nature as possible, that's my rule of thumb.

Ellie Hamilton said...

Yeah, the intestinal side effects can be gross. I checked the link to see if this is the drug I remember included not only gas and pooping but "oozing oily discharge" in its downside. The article cited calls it "spotting" but I'm sure it's the same thing. Ick.

Let's just eat celery.

Sixteen Chickens said...

Drugs scare me. I'm sure you are right though, their stock is going to go up up up. What is it with American culture that we always want an quick fix?

Anonymous said...

uncontrollable bowel movements? i didn't take any xenacal and i'm already having those problems. keep it away from me!!

Nancy Toby said...

It doesn't count as "uncontrollable" just because you don't have time to drive all the way back home before it happens.


KLN said...

Honestly, I think using soy products can make a huge difference if you're moving away from less healthy food like burgers and sausage and steak. I've lost a lot of weight eating Boca burgers and veggie sausage and other soy products, and I like them. Just being lighter will do wonders for my heart, so this issue really isn't as black & white as its being reported.

But what is, especially when it comes to food and diet and weight loss ;-)

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Soy may not lower your cholesterol, but it doesn't raise it...all animal based meats, even the lowest fat ones, have cholesterol in them, while no plant-based meats do.
Just a comment from your friendly vegan triathlete...:-)
PS: *I* think Boca burgers rock!