You think you have a strong core? My daughter Catherine watches TV like this for an hour at a time - suspended in between her elbows and chest on the couch (on the left) and her knees on the trunk coffee table (on the right). Somehow I think if I could do that, I wouldn't have any trouble at all with aerobars.
Elisabeth in the background is, as always, in charge of the DVD cases. She's obsessed with them. She turns them over and over and opens and closes them and "reads" them. Catherine steals them away from her when she wants to make Elisabeth cry.
What a couple of cuties...maybe she can teach the pilates instructors a think or two!
thing or two...I must learn to read my comments before I post them (new year's resolution!)
I like it, fe-lady - "If you think THAT, you've got another THINK comin'!"
Popular phrase-ology of my youth! :-)
And Nancy - as for the core strength of babies...hmmm...how much does she weigh...like 20 lbs? Wait until PUBERTY. Then let's see her pull that trick. :-)
She must have abs of steel!
You've got adorable kids!
Your kids are adorable. BTW, I noticed the license plate - is that yours? Mine says, "GEEKGRL".
Ab-solutely fabulous gals! (I know, poor pun.) Gotta try it.
They are getting so big eh?? How cute!!
Haha..funny :)..
did u got her a pair of aerobars for her tricycle??
What is that, Yoga? Some sort of Pilates move? I think that would break my back!
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