So someone in our household took the trouble to take a computer software disc out of the CD rack by the computer, take it over to the DVD/VCR player in the living room, and attempt to jump-start it by inserting what they thought was a DVD - in the big wide VCR slot. I know this technology is confusing at times, but my husband really should know better than that.
sounds like you have a gremlin in your house.
Sure it's not one of your daughters?
My niece put a whole box of dominoes in our VCR once...
Gee thanks!
Better that than a peanut butter sandwich.
we had someone in our office whose old Apple computer had a slotted CD drive that would "suck" in the discs; when they complained that their new PC's CD drive wasn't working, we opened up the front panel and found at least 15 CDs collected at the bottom. Then we showed her how to make the disc holder pop out. and this is at a university....
My sister once found the tv remote (lost for over a week)in a cereal box while making breakfast.
These are funny. :-)
LOL! Classic. :)
I hope at least your VCR was virus free.
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