Out the door in the dark, in the pool by 6:45AM. 2000m in the pool felt sluggish and awkward the whole time, except for maybe the last couple of laps when I stopped thinking and started just swimming. 1:10:39. Yeah, that's a zippy 3:31 per 100m average. Those open turns really slow me down. As does breathing, coughing, and choking. I got to share a lane with Dolphin Girl, who swims effortlessly about twice as fast as me. Smiling the whole time, gliding past me with her own little bow wave. I resented and envied her every stroke.
Then out of the pool, pull off suit, squeeze out the wet dripping hair, tug on clothes, adjust clothes that are all crooked from being pulled on half-wet, stomp into shoes, head for the treadmill.
T1 = 9:06.
My knees weren't quite as stiff as usual with the swimming warmup, which is good. But I was a bit dehydrated and pokey from not drinking anything but poolwater during my swim. Gotta remember to put a bottle at the end of the lane. I set the incline at 1.5% and jogged away at 11 to 12 min/mile, with a couple of brief walk breaks. 5K in 37:43.
Speed home. Glad that I left a full water bottle and a half a muffin in the minivan for the drive back. Arrive by 8:45AM, in time to greet the plumber. Please don't make me post the long boring story of the dishwasher, and my mundane petty gripes with Sears.com (but note: Home Depot will deliver and install two full weeks faster, for less money).
What a great workout! I really need to SWIM...
I might have forgotten how, with all of this running I am doing.
"Doing Them Slow" will always be better than "Not Doing Them At All" !!!
Way to get in a great brick workout before 9AM!
Nice workout!
I agree - putting on clothes after the swim is the worst!
I know. My transitions suck. If I wasn't worried about spraying water all over the treadmill in the club, it woulda been faster.
Man. If I could have gone straight from the swim to run on Sunday, that would have really helped my time! :)
kewl... way to getherdone!
That's a great workout! congrats :-)
I'm like flatman, I miss swimming. Just waiting for ok to put toe in pool and I'm there.
As for times on sidebar. Not sure I will do that but I am working on some excel stuff to chart and summarize progress. Yes I am obsessed with that stuff. Once I've got them calculated I'll share for anyone who wants to umm borrow the idea...lol.
Gotta go...Survivor time.
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