Thanks for all your good wishes! I'll save you the gory details of the story about how my two bad toenails from the Baltimore Marathon decided to come off last night.
I'll be back from my whirlwind trip and blogging by the middle of the day on Monday, but until then, watch for me on TV or find my NY City Marathon results online!
If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere. It's up to you, New York, New York.
Best of luck Nancy! I'll be cheering for you from work... I won't be able to check your results til tomorrow night. But you'll do awesome, I'm sure of it! :)
See you there!
LOVE YA, SWEETHEART!! You go smoke 'em, now, y'hear?
Good luck and fast vibes! You'll do FANTASTIC! Remember, just move the arms and the legs will follow.
I always wanted to do NYC marathon. Maybe in 2007.
Good luck Nancy! I'm hoping the rain holds off and the rest of your toenails hold on!
hope you're having a great day out there!
I hope you're having fun and doing great! I can't seem to make the tracker work though :-/
You're a rockstar! I'll be cheering you on from the midwest! Go Nancy!
Nancy, fantastic!! I couldn't track you cuz i wasn't at home--I was watching Noames and Bex in a 10K. Hope all went well!!
I bet you kicked butt, i'm trying to find out now, but the web site keeps crashing!! arrrghhh!!
I see it! I see your estimated finish time!!
Can't wait to read about it!
I see you're done!! Congratulaions on another one done!
(It was tough out there today!)
Well done Nancy!!! I can't wait to read the race report!
Way to go, Nancy!
I had fun tracking you and my sister as you both ran on Sunday. I hope you had as much fun as she did.
Excellent race, I just want to know what water stop you paused at long enough to fill out your IMFL registration--now that's crazy :)
Glad you're in though!!!!!!
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