Ooh! Ooh! Oooh! Look what a fun thing
*jeanne* found for us to do - a night-time mid-week caroling run through downtown Washington, DC!
The 4th Annual Christmas Light Run on December 14th! Their route goes from Union Station down past the White House and the National Christmas tree display and back around the Smithsonian museums in a 5-mile loop. Three pace groups mean that we should be able to find a bunch that goes slow enough that we can actually sing carols and run at the same time! It's free -- come one, come all!
What? You sing and run at the same time? Or maybe you run, then sing, then run some more? I would think that would work out better.
I have enough trouble carrying a tune standing still. Singing and then running away really really fast might be my best option. ;-)
That sounds like a lot of FUN! Maybe we should try something like that too.
You sing a bit...you PANT a bit...
gasp wheeze...
catch your breath,
then SING some more!!!
(pant pant)
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