CSC guys are my backbone. About half the guys listed in their big list are not even entrants in the Tour (e.g., Zabel, Piil), so I had to do a lot of cross-checking with the starter list to be sure I was picking people who were actually riding in 2005.
Last year CSC had a game going for the Tour, where you answered questions each day to predict winners of various stages, etc., and I (with much luck) ended up in 5th place. They sent me a calendar and a hardcover book about the CSC team, which were both from the 2003 year (when Tyler rode for them - I guess they had extra old stuff lying around the CSC clubhouse, or something). But I don't see it on their site this year, just a game about the whole pro season.
Does anyone know of any other online TdF games we should be playing? I think it's fun, because it helps me follow along with the various teams and riders better as the Tour progresses.
Anyone else set up a team at the Performance Bike site along with me?
you are way to involved in this.
Sounds interesting! But other than the big names and the role players on the Discovery squad, I don't know too much about the other riders on the tour. Maybe I'll sign up, but I'm sure I'll do quite poorly! :)
I might agree with the Commodore! But hey, the entire month of July only happens once a year....
Sounds like fun, I'll look into it today!
you need more training so you have less time to do Fantasy Tour de France
LOL! You guys are really busting my chops, aren't you? OK, come over and babysite while I train, we have a deal!!
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