Sunday, June 26, 2005

First long one done

I got in my first long, slow distance run on the countdown to fall marathon season. Ten miles are now on the books!

It felt SLOW and VERY VERY hot. I refilled my water bottle twice at the golf course.

There must be something to that "training on tired legs" concept, because running today in the heat after my 26.4 miles on Buttercup yesterday sure made it seem longer than "just" ten miles.

Hopefully in another few weeks, when I start getting better acclimated to the heat and running longer distances again, ten miles will seem like a relatively short outing. But it didn't today!

I dreaded setting out today, but I never regret it once it's finished. Funny how that works!

I'm often rewarded by seeing new and interesting things when I go out for a long run. Today I spotted an unusual, fairly large flock of cedar waxwings. I noticed them only because they have a remarkable ability to hover in flight - not as skillfully as ospreys or hummingbirds, but better than most birds. Lovely things, with a perky little crest on their head and an unmistakeable gold border on the edges of their tail.


Vertical Man said...

"...never regret it once it's finished." Ain't it the truth? Well said.

Comm's said...

good for you Nancy. Get that milegage down.

TriDaddy said...

Way to get out there despite not being motivated at the get go. I need some of that.

:) said...

Good job on the LSD!!!

Oldman said...

birdwatching while running...sounds like fun! good job on the lsd make sure you re-hydrate adfterwards helps the bike the next day..not like i do

Downhillnut said...

Good job on getting out there, and remembering to keep it in perspective. Sometimes 10 MINUTES seems too long and hot, much less 10 miles. I hope your heat acclimatization doesn't take long to kick in.