Friday, June 03, 2005

Cambridge, MD tides for race day

Tides for Cambridge: June 12, 2005

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible

Su 12 Low 1:54 AM 0.9 5:39 AM Set 12:20 AM 21
12 High 8:23 AM 2.4 8:29 PM Rise 10:37 AM
12 Low 3:33 PM 0.9
12 High 9:05 PM 1.9

Concerning Choptank tidal flows that day, check out Jude Apple's post on that subject at Slowtwitch and the chart he prepared. Uh oh, maximum flow rates are right when we're in the water trying to battle the currents. Thanks for the warning, Jude!


Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

As long as you aren't in the first wave, you'll be able to watch the impact of the current on earlier swimmers. This will give you a very good idea about how to plan the swim.

Nancy Toby said...

I won't be able to - I'm in the first wave after the pros! 6:55AM! If they're in trouble, it's TOO LATE for me!! Uh oh!