Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Not my kid

But it definitely COULD be. . . .

Shawn sent that to me because it reminded her of my kids. Heh. My kids don't get stuffed animals in time out, silly.

The girls are much, much better. Thanks for checking in, everyone! They have both nearly bounced back from their illnesses. Now that Elisabeth can actually breathe instead of fighting off pneumonia, she's a much happier girl. She may be the world's worst patient, fighting tooth and nail every time I have to give her any medicine. She probably got the pneumonia from inhaling Tylenol in between screams instead of just swallowing it. Not that I blame her, considering how many nasty medical procedures she had during her first year of life, poor kid (ventilators, open heart surgery, eye surgery, eight months of tube feeding, etc.).

Catherine has been a little trooper and will drink her medicine right out of the little one-ounce cup. Even when it tastes bad. I'm kind of amazed that she will cooperate that well, but she seems to finally understand that the medicine makes her feel better.

I still turned the babysitter away today because I didn't want her to catch any lingering germs and get sick herself. Now I regret it, because I sure could use a few miles of solo relaxation on the run.

Where's my duct tape, anyway. . . . ?


Ashley Chin said...

Too funny (the picture that is) although I have to admit, I've considered similar strategies myself!

Carrie said...

The photo is hillarious but more hillarious is that someone thought to pin the kids to the wall with duct tape- clearly a man left home to watch the kids.

*jeanne* said...

Ah, Nancy, I'm so glad they have turned the corner! It must be so hard to watch your kids feeling bad. Being scared for them, at the same time feeling sorry for their suffering, and yet having to force them to do the things they HATE but that will help them.
I'm glad things are on the upswing!

momo said...

i love that pic - some one sent it to me earlier this week - its called something like redneck timeout, isn't it? glad your little ones are feeling better!

Iron Pol said...

Somehow, I know that's supposed to be a joke. Why do I find it so oddly tempting?

Fe-lady said...

Glad they are feeling better and I hope you are getting caught up on your rest so YOU don't get anything!
Now...who belongs to that kid so I can call CPS?????

Steph Cooke said...

Glad to hear that your girls are on the mend!

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Glad the girls are doing better. I love this photo and sent it to a few friends with little ones.

Downhillnut said...

When the kids were smaller and I was so insane as to actually babysit others at the same time, I would fantasize about sticking kids to walls.

My hubby would know what kind of day I'd had when he'd come home to me muttering "Velcro walls, baby! VELCRO WALLS!"