Monday, December 11, 2006

Stop the dieting madness!

This refreshing article from a fit and fat (her term) woman makes a great case for abandoning diets. Think about it when January 1st rolls around and you're hit with that urge to "finally lose that last XX pounds once and for all". For the 17th year. (Some of the comments at the end are pretty crass, though.)


Charles said...

Wow! I have no better response then that. Great find

Fe-lady said...

Enjoyed this article very much! Thanks!
(Another glass of red and a Godiva chocolate please!)

Comm's said...

She is obviously very confident and a woman of her mind. Good for her to not get sucked into the media hype.

Vickie said...

Funny you should write about this. I heard yesterday on NBC news that the "average" person gains one pound (only) during the holiday season. If one pound is all that is "average" (and of course I don't know where they come up with who is average), then that should hardly put us into a diet crazed frenzy come January. All the women at the gym who heard this said, eat, drink, and be merry then!

LeahC said...

that was great! Thanks Nancy.

Robin said...

I hope all the New Year's resolutionists who clog up the gym come January will stop and read this article. Typically, for six weeks after New Year's, the gym will be full and you can't even find a empty shower or a towel when you're done. Come Valentine's day, they've all gone away. What a weird national (or international) obsession.

I always say Eat, Drink, (Swim, Bike, Run) and Be Merry!

ShesAlwaysWrite said...

Thanks for the great article. As someone carrying a whole lot of extra weight that refuses to Diet (yet still continues to lose weight with a sensible, nutritious diet) and gets the odd looks when I'm out swimming, biking and running, a lot of what she said hit home for me.