I've been sick since, oh, Friday. I didn't want to dwell on it in my race reports because it would sound like I was making excuses for my performance or something, but. . . .
This was a gift from my daughter Elisabeth, from her schoolmates. The night before the race I had a bad sore throat, but I felt okay when I got up in the morning so didn't consider skipping the race. The night after the race I felt pretty lousy indeed. The sore throat continued for two more consecutive nights, sore enough to wake me up when I swallowed in my sleep.
They sent letters home from my daughter's school on Tuesday about strep throat going around there. Great. But now the sore throat stuff has mostly cleared up and it's settled in my chest for a yucky "productive" cough. Plus I've had some fluid in my ears which makes me a little dizzy and unsteady, which makes attempting to cycle or run not a great option.
So I'm on my 4th consecutive day now of doing nothing. No workouts, no exercise, no anything. I'm not ready to taper yet!!!! Somebody call the waaaaahmbulance!!
Even the babysitter was sick, so I didn't have my Tuesday afternoon workout relief anyway.
Oh well, extra rest right now is better than a half-hearted workout that won't do my fitness much good, right? Just let me get back to tip-top form for the weekend and then I can do some long ones again.
I'm not sure how you did it but you sent your sore throat to me. Thanks a lot! :)
Kudos for having such a great race even though you were sick.
What a bummer! Do some pilates or something. Maybe that will help.
Hope you feel better soon.
Sometime a rest is a good thing. Be better soon.
You aren't losing fitness, yet! But I know it can feel that way. Rest up and be good to yourself so the bug will go away quicker!
Welcome to preschool. My son had a constant low grade cough from the time he started until the time we took him out of preschool. The illnesses become a little like that game "hot potato". Load up on vitamin C!
Use it as an excuse to rest your body to kick arse at your next race. Doing the Giant Acorn this weekend at Lake Anna?
No, the only event I have before Ironman Florida is the Baltimore Half Marathon, that I'm using as a training run for my last LSD run. Coming up fast!! Still coughing, it's Thursday....
Such a bummer! But give yourself a solid recovery time -- you need to be well before pushing again. No sense in have a head cold get in the way of something you've been working on for so long! You're going to be fine, I'm sure of it!
Take the time to recover. While horrible at following my own advice, it is good advice.
Pushing it while sick will only make it worse. Just ask me how bad it got after I ran the Chicago Marathon with a crazy fever.
Right. You're not going to lose fitness in 5 days or so, and your body adjusts to training when you rest, so you score double.
I caught the same thing the day before my Alcatraz swim...and of course did it anyway-but the effort pushed what MAY have stayed in my throat into my chest...
(I just started working with the preschool kids at my site...hmmm, any connection there...ya THINK???)
Start with swimming...it will loosen everything up...then maybe an easy ride on the trainer. Save running until last..I just read in a running publication that if you continue to run during a chest infection that you can spread the virus to your heart and cause irreversible damage! Scary, Hmm?
Feel better...rest well and often!
Get beter soon :0
I hear ya. Be nice if they sent the letter home before the virus.
ack! strep thucks - we've had it twice! well, the second time it was everyone BUT me...
Best to rest now than be sick later.
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