Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Deep thoughts and not-quite-final words

I wish I had something profound for you here as we get down to the last few final days before I attempt the Ironman Florida triathlon in Panama City Beach, Florida on Saturday.

Bolder has some deep thoughts. So does Comm.

I don't. Yeah, it's the journey, not the destination, and I've had a really fabulous journey of discovery this past year. Amazing. Pretty unbelievable, in fact. The fact that I'm no longer paralyzed with fear of the swim leg any more may say it all. Or that a flat tire is just another bump in the road, not the end of the day. Or a six mile run is just a warmup for a half marathon.

But as for me, I don't have profound things to write about. I'm doing mundane last-minute tasks like making sure my hair is RED which we all know is FAST.

And figuring out where I can get an Internet connection so that I can maybe post a few quick updates from Florida.

And smiling at good friends (and even strangers) who send positive wishes our way for a great day on Saturday.

And trying to figure out what to put in my suitcase, now that most of my gear is (hopefully) waiting for me with my bike Buttercup alongside the transition area by the hotel.

I'm very grateful to everyone who has helped and encouraged me along the way, especially my loving husband Steve for his constant support, my girls Catherine and Elisabeth for inspiration, our babysitter Elizabeth who freed up lots of training time for me, my special bunch of girlfriends (you know who you are!) including Ironman Ellie who are always there for me, my local training buddy David, the entire knowledgeable TRI-DRS list including Shelley who is always an upbeat and positive example of a great triathlete and mom, Yurtie who coached and coaxed my swimming along from the other side of the world, and all my best bloggy pals, some of whom I'll meet in Florida for the first time. You all rock! And I THANK YOU!


soozey said...

Nancy, I have had a soft place in my heart for you since I found your blog and read your description of yourself as an Athena Mom of Twins...me too! (We could start a group called AMOT...I know we're not alone!) I am thrilled for your success and looking forward to hearing about your IM adventure!!

Helen said...

Good Luck, Nancy! I won't be able to keep track of your race since I'll be running New York on Sunday but you'll be in my thoughts. I know that when I start to drag during my race I'll be able to think about you pushing through yours and it'll perk me right up.

You're going to have a great day, I just know it.

Downhillnut said...

Woohoo! Go Nancy!

LeahC said...

good luck! i can't wait to read all about the experience!

jbmmommy said...

Can't wait to hear about the race. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best. You've had an awesome year and no matter what you're going to be awesome, I'm sure.

Julia said...

It's an Oscar speech!

Have the BEST race, Nancy. I'll be watching you via internet on Sunday.

Vickie said...

Nancy, if you're staying at the Inn at St. Thomas (?), two years ago they had wi-fi in the office. They may have upgraded to the rooms, but otherwise there should be some coffee shops around the area that can get you hooked up.

:) said...

give 'em hell, nancy!!!!

i'll be watching...

Kylie said...

best of luck, and have a great day!!