I've never done so well without socks, since I have sweaty nasty feet. And I need really good arch supports, so the traditional old Docksiders with bare feet are out of the question for me, even for sailing. If I run anything more than ten miles, I have to be extraordinarily careful about lubricating my feet (baby oil gel) and watching my electrolyte replenishment carefully (to avoid soft tissue swelling) and wearing exclusively thin Coolmax socks and wearing underneath them ultra-thin liner socks (aka white nylon knee-highs from Walmart, rolled down), or I'm a Blister Queen.
Doing the toe lubrication and sock thing seems to take an endless amount of time in transition during triathlons, but I think of it as a time investment in avoiding blisters that will save me time late on the course and help maintain my training over the long term. I wish that I were one of those tough-skinned people who was able to cycle and run sans socks, but alas, I am not.
In fact, some tales of the effects of running in wet shoes remind me that the consequences of acute blister pain in your feet is never good. I need to add "dry socks in a ziplock" to my list of items for my transition and special needs bags. When you need them, you need them.
But I do have plenty of old mismatched socks that definitely should be burned. . . .
sock burnings?
you Americans -- so crazy.
I saw that in the paper today. Those boaters...they don't have quite the wear and tear on the feet that runners do. Still, anything that encourages spring!
My husband works for a Yacht Club and I suggested they take up this wonderful tradition. But, as they pointed out, boaters never have to were socks in Hawaii. Oh, who knew???
I had NO idea. So close, and yet so far...
But I wouldn't have gone, anyway...
I will probably be mulching all my old dead socks. I need to fill up the lowest areas in my chasm out back. By the year 2026 maybe I'll have a little level space out there.
Sock burning? What a great idea! I wish we had one here!
Those are Eastporters, not Americans.
(Kind of like the Conch Republic in the Keys....)
I think you have to have grown up as a southern redneck (guilty --> me) to have feet toughened by a childhood of running barefoot :-)
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