Friday, March 31, 2006

How's your kitchen?

Are your food-handling practices at home affecting your health?

Do a "kitchen inspection" online here.

(I passed, Grade A. Whew!)


*jeanne* said...

That picture looks kind of like the kitchen I had when I lived on 48th Street.

Nancy Toby said...

I don't put meat on the lowest level of the fridge - what is that about? I don't let it drip on other stuff, or get warm, or anything....

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

I got an at, too...whew. As for the picture. I looked at a place years ago that had an outside kitchen like that for in the summer. The lady liked to bake a lot and it was too hot inside. Twas a tad bit nicer but looked a lot the same.

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Ooops that first like shoud read I got an A, too. Can ya tell I did poorly at Spelling and