Honey, this would make me the happiest woman on earth. Actually, it doesn't have to be this particular island. A little closer than French Polynesia would be much more convenient, actually. But any one of the islands listed would be just perfect.
Prices start at $18 million.
He would also have to buy you a new mountain bike to get through all that sand! :)
Exactly what I was thinking...how many laps is 26.2 miles???
So you think we should go with the bigger island with the runway for the private jet instead? Yeah, that's what I'm starting to think....
We can't afford to buy an island, but we rented one for our honeymoon. It would be a great place to take your kids...check it out at www.seabirdkey.com
Wow, our anniversaries are very close together. Private south pacific islands sound very attractive. They come with staff, right?
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