And then on weekdays, I need to get up much earlier than he does in order to go train while our girls are asleep. If I use the alarm it wakes him up and he has a hard time falling back to sleep for that last couple of hours.
I don't know if it will help or not, but I just bought one of these retro light-up alarm clocks from L.L. Bean to try. Instead of ringing, the light flashes for the first five minutes. Since I'm more light-sensitive when sleeping than he is, maybe it will work. Or not. We'll see.

How do the rest of you solve these divergent sleep schedule issues in your home?
I would like to stay up late and get up early. Eric gets up at 4:15 to run before he catches the train to work, then is ready for bed somewhere between 9 and 10. I'd like to stay up till about 11 or 12, then get up at 5. (I catch a nap during the day). Anyway, our compromise is this - I go to bed when he does, then after we have our end-of-day talk, he goes to sleep and I read in bed. I can honestly say that I don't even hear his alarm (radio)or hear him moving around. My alarm, on the other hand, is probably retro - it's about 27 years old! It does wake him up, but since I rarely get up first it doesn't matter.
I have exactly the same problem. Wouldn't the world be a much simplier place if our spouses also caught the training bug?
Meanwhile, I will look out for your cool new retro alarm. :)
Separate rooms. Seriously. I know it's not what married couples are "supposed" to do, but it works for me and Dan. He tends to get Restless Leg Syndrome and thrash around, and I tend toward weird sleep/wake cycles, so sleeping apart is perfect for us.
As long as my hubby gets his jammies before I go to sleep I'm all set, otherwise he's opening drawers, turning on lights and generally making sleep impossible. He's finally making more of an effort on this issue. As for morning wake ups - I am ALWAYS up first. The dog gets me up now, but before I would use the radio alarm. My hubby NEVER wakes up. Your new alarm is interesting. My problem with the radio is that if the kids hear it, I am done for... They are very light sleepers!
My husband is working shifts now, for the past 2 weeks he's been on midnights and i've had the whole bed to myself. Last night was the first time we slept together for 2 weeks pretty much. Now he's on afternoons and last night, he drove me absolutely BONKERS with his leg twitching..and breathing..LOL...grrrrrr. I really wish I had my own room..:-))
My wife is very understanding because she knows it's important to me. I show her equal consideration for her schedule and it's just that simple, for me.
I just don't find it so simple when we do our best to be considerate, but we still end up waking each other up inadvertently and losing sleep!
I sometimes have this internal alarm clock and can wake up before the alarm goes off so I don't wake up hubby.
I am out like a light if I get a foot rub before bed. He could play the drums and I'd sleep through it.
Let us know if your new LL bean clock works, I may invest in one too!
I'm having an awful time with sleep schedules lately. Never tried the flashing alarm clock, not sure if it would work if I was in a deep sleep. Don't think I'd like the vibrating pillow either, my pillow seems to slip out from under my head and end up in my husband's armpit far too often. Vibrating armpits, now that's a way to wake up. There's always seperate beds, I guess. ;)
Ear plugs or we sleep in separate spaces...not fun I know, but sometimes sleep is more important.
I never hear him when he comes to bed after me, which is usually, and he takes FOREVER to wake up, so the alarm if it does go off, doesn't bug him. Usually, I wake up about two seconds before the alarm goes off when I train early (4:30ish) anyway. The bigger issue is the lack of time together when I fall into a dead sleep right after the boys are in bed.
Joe and I have a very similar sleep offset. Fortunately, I sleep like the dead so it doesn't bother me if he makes noise after I fall asleep. Our only problem is waking him up before those early morning workouts. He usually gets back to sleep fairly easily. Let me know how the light alarm clock works. It looks cool!!!
cool lamp/alarm!
Our sleeping schedules: I try to go to bed by about 9, then Johnny stays up an additional 1 to 2 hours. For some reason, he takes that long to prepare for bed. I wish he'd go to bed with me. But when I say, "Let's go to bed!" he says, "Oh, just let me get ready..." 2 hours later, we're in bed. He usually gets up with Ash, though, at 5:30, and let me sleep until 6:30 to 7. So I get more sleep than him. And we both rely on Ash to wake us up.
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