Well, maybe not the
dumbest, but it's right up there. Today I went to the local Safeway grocery to buy a few things. My husband wanted me to get his favorite ice cream, so I had to go down that aisle. And they had almost all the ice cream on sale, 2 for 1. FREE ICE CREAM, I'm telling you. But no, I had to be all virtuous and strong, channeling
mipper, and I just walked by - very, very slowly - but I did walk by and they didn't have any of the special kind my husband likes so I just kept walking and I didn't buy any ice cream at all.
I've been kicking myself the whole rest of the day for that. HOW COULD I BE SO DAMN STUPID? I could have had FREE
SAMOAS GIRL SCOUT COOKIE ICE CREAM, but no, I have to turn into some kind of saint or something and abstain. How idiotic is that? Is it too late to go back and buy some? Maybe I should call the store and find out how long the sale lasts? FREE ICE CREAM!

So I went out instead for a ride on Old Blue, my trusty old steel frame Lotus road bike, circa 1986. She was actually a pretty hot road bike in her day. That was three years before Lemond used aerobars in the Tour de France, so obviously the clip-on bars are a recent addition.
She's a lot of work to pedal around compared to Buttercup, believe me.

I went out to the 11.5 mile marker on the W&OD rail-trail and turned around and came back. That section includes a few pretty good hill climbs, for these parts. On a nice day like today it also includes a massive amount of avoiding total idiots. They came out of the woodwork.

Idiots like me, for example. By the turnaround I was
STARVING, and still thinking about that ice cream debacle. If you look closely behind this big trail sign there is a Whole Foods grocery with a big bike rack out front. I was thinking that I could go in there and get some kind of delicious fruit smoothie. But did I bring a bike lock with me? Did I bring any money with me?
Of course not! Swig down a little of the lukewarm water in my water bottle, and pedal sadly and stupidly back home again.
Maybe now that the girls are in bed there's still time to take the minivan back to Safeway tonight. . . .
Now THAT'S what I call willpower. :) You're a stronger woman than I.....hee hee!
Girl scout cookie ice cream?? I'm lucky I live in a small podunk town that doesn't offer that! Oh wait, now I have an idea.. I could buy girl scout cookies, crush them up and make Girl scout goat's milk ice cream. Maybe I could put a green beanie on the goats and market it!
You brought back memories. The W&OD trail! I lived in Chantilly,VA when I was 14-16. My sister and I used to ride that trail. I had a Huffy ten speed and no bike shorts. I couldn't walk for days after our 30 miles rides! We'd always stop in Reston and get ice cream.Hahahahaha
SAMOA ICE CREAM?!? That's genius. I think I may need to get some of that.
Samoas GSC ice cream may be the best in the world.
I think I'd be going back to Safeway!
FREE ICE CREAM?!?! FREE ICE CREAM?!?! I scream you scream we ALL scream for ice cream! (Sorry, couldn't resist.) DOn't they have some kind of award medal for resisting ice cream? Isn't that like an olympic sport or something? All hail Nancy, Queen of Willpower!
Whoa, stay strong. We grow better one challenge at at time. Some people don't see that as a challenge because they don't think twice about avoiding it. On the other hand, I can appreciate how strong you are because Samoas are the best cookie in the world. By the way, I had no idea there was Somoa ice cream. Crap, thanks for adding yet another challenge to my daily life. Perhaps after my race. Yes, April 10th I will eat Somoa ice cream. I can't wait.
Well done! There are days when I wish my bike was outfitted like the chariot in Ben Hur-particularly when I encounter those recumbunt bikers who just can't keep a straight line for anything. good thing you were on your trusty road bike. :)
ohhh...free ice cream.....
I love Safeway. It's the official grocery store of Bolder. Although I have Whole Paycheck dollars, I still prefer Safeway although the one in Boulder is not as nice (even though it was just remodelled) as the one I was going to in Rock Creek.
Best part about Safeway -- The Club Card. On the weekend I baked a high-end steak that was 11.99/lb for 4.99/lb... booyah!
Oh, and I love at the checkout when the cashiers say using your Club Card you saved 32% or 46%... love that part.
EXCEPT, I was at Tar-Jay yesterday and found out that the $1 Gatorade Endurance I was stockin' up on ON SALE with the Club Card at Safeway is the regular price at Tar-Jay. I think I might put that in this weeks Who Knew?. Gatorade Endurance and Gu are the official carbs of Ironman -- might as well get used to them because if you lose your nutrition, this is gonna be what's on the course.
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"Lose your nutrition" -- you sure know how to scare the crap out of a girl, Bold.
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